Thursday 29th January 2015

Cattle: one of my favourite subjects.

'Simmental heifer', oil on canvas, 2015.
Simmental portrait with preparatory sketches
Our cattle in their winter accomodation

I've just finished this large portrait (28” x 36”) of a Simmental heifer, one of my favourite beef breeds.

It's been a long time in the making, including many afternoons spent sketching and photographing this heifer and her herd in their winter accommodation in Wiltshire.

I'm a big fan of the slanting light in their barn, as it picks out the varying colours of the Simmental's coats beautifully, and I think this will be one of several pieces from my time spent with the herd.

As it is a suckler herd, I also hope to work with them some more once the calves begin to arrive.

I've been working this and other pieces in between commissions with the hope of getting enough work together for an exhibition of portraits early next year.

Watch this space!










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